Gender Pay Gap — reality or myth? What are the reasons behind the gender pay gap?
There is an objective difference between the average earnings of women and men. How does this difference arise? Is it really only due to discrimination as many militant feminists claim? Or is it related to the different interests of both genders? Let us take a look at some interesting data and facts together.
Many politicians resort to so-called “identity politics”, meaning that they do not look at people as individuals, but as members of groups. One group is then pitted against another one in some form of struggle for privileges or leadership. Western societies were able to move rapidly by becoming more aware of people individually rather than as members of groups. Unfortunately, we are witnessing the creation of arbitrary groups constantly returning, especially for political purposes.
It should be emphasized that identity politics automatically creates prejudices and by this means harms the solution of any problem. The solution then does not work with people as individuals, but only with some fictional average representative of the group (usually a minority).
One of the constantly fostered myths is that the gender pay gap, i.e. the difference in the salary of men and women, is caused primarily by stereotypes…